The Nuclear “Football”: A Briefcase That Could End the World
Military’s mysterious black briefcase follows the president everywhere, containing the codes that could launch nuclear weapons within minutes.
Military’s mysterious black briefcase follows the president everywhere, containing the codes that could launch nuclear weapons within minutes.
How did a mysterious drug cocktail promise painless births in the 1900s, only to become one of medicine’s most controversial practices?
Nearly a century ago, mandatory home mail delivery transformed American life, but the fascinating reason behind this change might surprise you.
Curious how a bowl of bland soup helped Thomas Edison hire the brightest minds – his ingenious interview test revealed more than you think.
When the Moon cast its shadow in 1919, astronomers witnessed a celestial dance that would prove Einstein’s revolutionary theory.
How mustard gas, one of war’s deadliest weapons, surprisingly evolved to become medicine’s powerful ally in fighting cancer.
You won’t believe how Chuck Yeager escaped death when his space trainer aircraft spun out of control at 108,000 feet.
Learn how automobile companies cleverly invented “jaywalking” to shift blame from drivers to pedestrians in a brilliant PR campaign.
When World War II Britain put a psychic medium on trial for witchcraft, no one expected the shocking revelations that would follow.
Uncover how the real-life battle between MI6 and KGB shaped James Bond’s most notorious villains and their devious schemes.